Posted in Targets to go

Let’s talk about Venezuela

Venezuela is a beautiful country situated in Latin America, next to Colombia, Brazil and Guyana. I mentioned first the position on the map because so many people abroad don’t have any idea about Venezuela, either where it is, or what language is spoken there. When I decided to write about Venezuelan people I was kind of depressed thinking about so many things like my friends, family, neighbors, teachers and the big mark they left on me.

I don’t want to mention bad things about my country but it is not a secret that Venezuela has had the worst government in history since 1999 until now. Even though we live in troubled cities, with insecurity, shortages of basic resources (energy, food, water), we always wake up every morning encouraging ourselves to confront the problems.  We do this with a big smile, perhaps in the elevator, at work, in traffic or at the supermarket while waiting in huge lines for milk, chicken, soap, or any other hard to find good.

Venezuelans are known for being strong people, funny, extroverts, warm and generous. We always lend a hand to someone that needs it. Our friends are our siblings, our neighbors are family, and sharing special moments together is a rule. In Venezuela people love parties, beer and especially Rum “Cacique or Santa Teresa”. Around the country people like to drink rum mixed with Coke and lime or simply on the rocks.

This is a piña colada with rum in Margarita Island

It is common to have people at home, making potlucks that we call “CANAIMA (cada quien trae su vaina).” That means, everybody brings food, snacks or drinks. Those parties usually start late between 9-10 pm and finish at 3 or 5 am.  This can be tiring for the next day, but worth it. Holidays or weekends are a perfect excuse to go to the beach and to enjoy our delicious typical dishes.

Fried fish with tostones (plantains)
Pabellón criollo

We have a million beautiful beaches of different types, including to relax, to party, to eat good fish, and to practice sports like windsurfing, diving, etc.

Parguito Beach in Margarita Island

If you have ever been in this amazing country you have seen that we are a mix of colors, thoughts, and races. There are Portuguese, Italians, Spanish, Arabians, Russians, Colombians, Brazilians, Germans, French, etc. All families are open to anyone, and we don’t discriminate against people for being foreign or different, because we are different.

One of my Venezuelan-Colombian BFF

I definitely don’t want to lose my faith. I want to think that my wounded country will be better in a short time. The political situation has been affecting us for a long time, and we are going to pass this enormous wave.

Showing the world the good things about Venezuelan people is my only mission. The lesson for us is already written and learned. Stay strong and don’t give up.

Venezuela you are a treasure…

RELATED POST: Mi regreso a Venezuela (last year)

Foto de portada tomada en una de mis visitas a mi bella Isla de Margarita. (vista desde El Faro)

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